Windows 11 Drag and Drop Screenshot

Let’s Fix drag and drop on windows 11 with one click

Recently I updated my windows 10 to Windows 11. The update runs smoothly and the version of windows 11 is quite amazing. I really loved this update. It runs smoothly on my HP Laptop. But I found a bug that in windows 11, the drag and drop feature is missing. If you are still using Windows 10, you may think that it doesn’t make any sense to remove this
feature looks like they didn’t forget about the feature but they never planned. Actually, I still don’t know if it’s a bug or if it’s a special feature. Let’s say, if you want to send a file into your browser, you won’t be able to do so. Instead, you’ll have to find a workaround, and with the power of multi-window, you’ll be able to drag and drop the files. Honestly, a drag and drop capability shouldn’t be that difficult to create.

But our scenarios are very different. I have so much video editing work, I really need this drag and drop feature to drag video files, audio files, and also to transfer a file through the web. I found a small portable software from GitHub that helps to solve this issue.


You can download this free open source software directly from Github


Frankly, it’s a really helpful tool for me, I have using this tool since I updated my laptop to windows. I recommended this tool to all my friends who are facing this windows 11 drag and drop the issue. The best part is it is completely free and open source.

Once you download this tool you can either move this tool to startup or move this tool to any folder and paste the shortcut on the taskbar. Every time you need the drag and drop feature, just click from the taskbar and use it. The tool is lightweight and it does not consume too much power to process

The tool is getting better in new updates, but I am still using the old update. I hope this feature will add by windows on its next updates, if not we need this tool for our entire life.

Some questions related to this article

How do I enable the taskbar drag and drop in Windows 11?
Why did Microsoft remove drag and drop in Windows 11?
Is drag and drop coming back to Windows 11?


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