It’s not a rare situation where you find some links that are shared via Telegram messenger either do not display preview/thumbnails properly or lack them completely! Mostly this happens with links to new web pages. But no worries there is an easy fix within Telegram!
- Search for @webpagebot in Telegram.
- If you’ve never chatted with that bot before, you’ll find a Start button. Click/tap on that.
- Now, send the link which has the issue with the preview/thumbnail. You can send multiple links up to 10.
- That’s it! The bot will reply to you with your link and updated preview.
In case you don’t know yet, we’re officially on Telegram. Feel free to join our channel there: @digitalmalayaliblog
Hey well? This didn’t work for me trying to resolve Instagram links in Telegram…any further insight?
Strange! Facebook links don’t show a preview in Telegram. But that’s not the case with Instagram. It does show a preview. I’d suggest reporting the issue to Insta:
It’s useless. Doesn’t woej